In the first week of December 2020, the International Sand Art Festival was held at the Chandrabhaga beach located in which Indian state? Amazon Quiz Answers.

Q.1 In the first week of December 2020, the International Sand Art Festival was held at the Chandrabhaga beach located in which Indian state?
Answer 1: Odisha
Q2: The Sea Guardians, the maritime variant of the Predator MQ-9s are actually what that were recently inducted into the Indian Navy?
Answer 2: Drones
Q3: Replacing Imran Khwaja, George Barclay, a New Zealand based lawyer, has recently been elected to what coveted administrative post?
Answer 3: Chairman of the ICC
Q4: What scale was invented in a laboratory that focused specifically on making this beverage tastier?
Answer 4: pH scale
Q5: Identify the country from this ‘national’ sport.
Answer 5: Bhutan
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