MPSC exam Date 2020 – MPSC Exam News
MPSC Exam Date 11 October 2020. MPSC Exam News 2020. Government gives green light to MPSC exams! The exam will be held on October 11 but only after the decision on reservation.
Maharashtra State Public Service Commission took the opinion of the government on September 16. The examination will be held on October 11; Sanitization of 800 examination centers in the state with distribution of tickets to 2.5 lakh students.
The thermal screening of the students will be held. Even if the examination is held due to the postponement of the Maratha reservation, the results will remain pending.

परीक्षा होणारच पण आरक्षणाच्या निर्णयानंतर निकाल
‘एमपीएससी’ची राज्य सेवेची पूर्व परीक्षा कधीपर्यंत घ्यावी, याबद्दल आयोगाने 16 सप्टेंबरला सरकारकडे विचारणा केली होती. त्यानुसार आयोगाने 11 ऑक्टोबरला परीक्षा घेण्याचे नियोजन केले.
अडीच लाख विद्यार्थ्यांना परीक्षेचे प्रवेशपत्रही वितरीत करण्यात आले आहेत. सरकारच्या निर्णयानुसार परीक्षा झाली तरीही आरक्षणाचा निर्णय होईपर्यंत निकाल जाहीर केला जाणार नाही.
– सुनिल आवताडे, सहसचिव, महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोग
MPSC Exam News
Students’ organizations, including the Maratha Kranti Morcha and other political leaders, have demanded that the Maharashtra State Public Service Commission examination be postponed.
However, the exams are scheduled to be held on October 11 and tickets have been distributed to 2.5 lakh students in the state. Earlier, the commission had clarified that the examination was planned only after the government decided on September 16 after asking the government about the examination.
However, the result of the examination will be announced after the decision on Maratha reservation.
The prevalence and infection of corona has increased in the state. On the other hand, the Supreme Court has postponed the reservation of the Maratha community. Therefore, there is a growing demand that the examination should be held only after the decision on reservation and after the vaccination of corona.
On the other hand, a pre-examination of state service should be postponed till tomorrow (Tuesday). However, a few days ago, after Social Justice Minister Dhananjay Munde demanded postponement of the exam, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray decided to postpone the exam for a few days.
The commission then rescheduled the exam with the government’s opinion. Accordingly, the date was fixed as October 11. The commission then distributed online admission cards to the students and sanitized the examination centers. Therefore, the Commission has clarified that it is now impossible to cancel and postpone the examination.
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MPSC exam Date 2020 Overview
The Maharashtra State Public Service Commission MPSC took the government’s opinion on September 16
The exam will be held on October 11; Admission tickets distributed to two and a half lakh students
Sanitizing eight hundred examination centers in the state;
- There will be thermal screening of students
- Due to the postponement of Maratha reservation, even if the examination is held, the result will be pending
- The results of the earlier examinations were suspended due to the reservation decision
- Exam will be held but the result will be after the decision of reservation.
The commission had on September 16 asked the government to decide when the MPSC pre-examination for state service should be held. Accordingly, the commission planned to conduct the examination on October 11.
Admission tickets for the exam have also been distributed to 2.5 lakh students. Even if the examination is held as per the decision of the government, the result will not be declared till the decision of reservation is taken.
- Sunil Avtade, Joint Secretary, Maharashtra Public Service Commission.
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