Amazon Quiz: Guess This Young Person Who Made A Difference Through Environmental And Racial Activism

Guess This Young Person Who Made A Difference Through Environmental And Racial Activism Amazon Quiz Answers

Q1: Guess this young person who made a difference through environmental and racial activism.

Answer: (C) Isra Hirsi

Q2: Guess this 16 years old, he made Algae Mobile, a device that can convert CO2 emissions from vehicles into oxygen.

Answer: (D) Param Jaggi

Q3: She survived a shot to the head, she became a advocate for a woman’s right to education.

Answer: (B) Malala Yousafzai

Q4: He was just 18 months old when he started playing the tabla. At age 6, was awarded with a certificate from Guinness Book of World Records.

Answer: (B) Truptraj Pandya

Q5: She was the country’s youngest “goodwill ambassador” participating in peacemaking

Answer: (D) Samantha Smith

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