Kangra painting, named after a former princely state which patronized the art, is associated with which present-day state in India?

Kangra painting, named after a former princely state which patronized the art Amazon Quiz Answers

Q1: Kangra painting, named after a former princely state which patronized the art, is associated with which present-day state in India?

Answer 1: (B) Himachal Pradesh

Q2: Gianmarco Tamberi of Italy and Mutaz Essa Barshim of Qatar ended up sharing Olympic gold in which men’s track and field event?

Answer 2: (C) High Jump

Q3: Which spyware, developed by the Israeli firm NSO, has been used by governments around the world?

Answer 3: (B) Pegasus

Q4: The name of this object comes from a Greek word meaning what?

Answer 4: (D) Long-haired

Q5: He was nominated for which prize five times but never got it?

Answer 5: (C) Nobel Prize

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